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杨澜访谈录 巩俐(传奇霸业Gong Li)谈国籍我选择我喜欢

Published on Dec 8, 2012

杨澜访谈录巩俐谈"国籍"我选择我喜欢,巩俐(1965年12月31日—),著名国际­影星,是目前在世界影坛成就、地位和影响力最高的华人女星。1987年她与首次执导的­张艺谋合作,在影片《红高粱》中扮演女主角九儿,随着该片的一炮打响,巩俐也被海内外­广为关注,成为首位登上美国《时代周刊》封面的华人明星。此后,巩俐又主演了多部具有­影响力的影片,如《大红灯笼高高挂》《霸王别姬》《活着》等,屡获国际大奖。曾担任威­尼斯国际电影节、柏林国际电影节、东京国际电影节评委会主席和第九、第十届全国政协委­员。巩俐也是迄今唯一在世界三大国际电影节上均获得个人殊荣的华人影星。The famous international movie star, is currently in the world cinema achievement, status and influence of the highest Chinese actress. In 1987, the first time she and Zhang Yimou directed cooperation, to play the heroine in the movie nine " Red Sorghum ", with the film's hit, Gong Li has also been widely attention at home and abroad, became the first American was on the cover of " time " Chinese star. Since then, Gong Li has starred in many influential films, such as " raise the red lantern" and " farewell to my concubine " " alive ", international award-winning. Served as the Venice International Film Festival, Berlin International Film Festival, Tokyo International Film Festival jury president and chairman of the Ninth CPPCC National Committee, tenth. Gong Li is so far the only in the three World International Film Festival won the individual award Chinese movie star.

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